Contemporary Artist Thomas Deaton


Thomas Deaton (b. 1988), a contemporary artist with a background in printmaking and drawing, explores hidden stories of beauty set against the backdrop of forgotten neighborhoods in his recent body of work. Drawing inspiration from his personal memories, history, and life in New Orleans, Deaton constructs a mesmerizing perspective of life in the southern coastal urban landscape. In his narrative cityscapes, Deaton captures snapshots of neighborhoods on the brink of decay, contrasted by vivid sunsets and lush vegetation. These areas, perpetually submerged in a metaphorical flood, symbolize the overlooked and neglected aspects of urban life. Sinkholes devour houses and backyards, while lone pedestrians seek solace under dimly lit streetlights, obscured by a burgeoning canopy of lush foliage.

Through his use of broken perspectives, he invites viewers to question the boundaries between reality and fiction, challenging their perceptions of urban decline and nature's indomitable force of renewal. With his art, Deaton delves into the intricate character of the American South to capture its paradoxical essence. Criminal-minded yet charismatic, mean-spirited yet beautiful, the region manifests an unyielding resilience in the face of an uncertain and increasingly daunting future. His meditative explorations compel us to contemplate the resilience and complexities inherent in the human spirit.

Thomas Deaton's work has garnered recognition, including notable achievements such as the second-place award at the Louisiana Contemporary 2019 exhibition in New Orleans and a feature in New American Paintings, South Issue. Exhibited in local venues such as Lemieux Galleries, Good Children Gallery, The Building, Old #77 Hotel, and the Ogden Museum, Deaton's artwork invites viewers to traverse the blurred boundaries of reality and immerse themselves in the captivating narratives of urban decay and nature's unwavering resilience.

Lives & Works

New Orleans, LA


MFA Printmaking, Minor in Drawing
University of Iowa

MA Printmaking, Minor in Drawing
University of Iowa

BFA Studio Arts Printmaking
University of Louisiana at Lafayette